Marsh Pug

Eupithecia pygmaeata (70.154)

The Marsh Pug has a very limited distribution in Warwickshire and is generally uncommon. It was first confirmed in Warwickshire at Edgebaston, Birmingham in 1971 but has since been discovered at several sites in the north-west, west and central parts of the county.

The Marsh Pug is on the wing in May and June. It occurs in damp habitats including marshes and damp waste ground where the larval foodplant Field Mouse-ear (Cerastium arvense) occurs.

Look out for the Marsh Pug at Hartshill Hayes, Kingsbury Water Park, Whitacre Heath and Stonebridge Meadows.

Please note: From February 2023 all sightings records should be submitted via the iRecord Butterflies app available via the iTunes or Google Store. Find out more here: iRecord at Butterfly Conservation.